AL!VE Standards for Organizational Volunteer Engagement

interested members to contribute to the continual improvement and development of the Standards. 

They were developed to be adaptable, relevant, and scalable within organizations of every size, structure, and industry. The Standards can be useful to VEPs at every level of experience to help develop a volunteer engagement program from scratch or to assess and build upon an existing program to increase its effectiveness in leveraging volunteer engagement to sustain and achieve the organization's mission and goals. In all cases, these Standards can be used for advocacy, to make the case for increased investment in and integration of volunteer engagement.  These Standards were revised and republished last year.

The Standards Task Force plans for 2023 include gathering feedback from Standard users, ensuring that the Standards reflect current trends and needs, develop and implement a plan to market them and support Standard users, and more. All members are invited to participate. If interested, please contact Emilie at

Newsletter 2.0 - AL!VE Newsletter: January 2023

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