
Current Issue

From the IJOVA Editor, Ryan Schmiesing, Ph.D.
January 2020

This issue of the International Journal of Volunteer Administration (IJOVA) includes three compelling Feature Articles.  Siordia presents data extracted from the Volunteering Supplement of the Current Population Survey from 2011-15 and shows volunteer rates for specific populations in the U.S.  van Gilst and co-authors present an interesting argument for user testing of volunteer brokerage websites and share insights into the importance of usability of specific websites. Finally, Gallagher presents findings from a study focused on Peace Corps members and their early termination and overall length of service.

Vol XXXIV, Number 1 (January, 2020) 
Link to Full Issue 
Current Population Survey Volunteer Supplement Data:  Variance Estimates by the Replication Method
Usability of Volunteer Brokerage Websites:  The Why and How of User Testing 
Peace Corps, the 50plus Initiative, and Volunteer Early Termination

Past Issues

Vol. XXXIII, No. 3 (December, 2018)
Link to Full Issue
The Role of Place Attachment on Appalachian Trail Conservancy Volunteer Involvement
Political Skill of Volunteer Board Members in the Nonprofit Milieu:? A Resource Dependency Perspective 
Impacts of Voluntourism and Future Fair Trade Practices?

Vol. XXXIII, No. 2 (July, 2018)
Link to Full Issue
Pet Visitation:  A Study of Hospital Volunteer Motivations
Integrated Review of Volunteer Retention and Implications for Training
Confessions of Three (over) Achievers, Programming for Affiliation-Motivated Volunteers

Vol. XXXIII, No. I (March, 2018)
Link to Full Issue 
Creating, Implementing, and Supporting a State-wide Volunteer Conflict Management System
Befriending with Socially Isolated Immigrant Seniors: An Inquiry into its Contributions and Challenges

Volume XXXII (2016-2017)

Volume XXX (2013)

Volume XXIX (2012)

Volume XXVIII (2011)

Volume XXVII (2010)

Volume XXVI (2009)